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An engineer & a cosmetologist who wanted to create safe cosmetics - totally free of toxins.

So they collaborated with space scientists

(all a bit hush hush) to develop this clever, little, heat-sensitive pad.

No nasty ingredients, no fillers, no dirty brushes. Just beautiful colours for instant, professional eyeshadow.


Plus it's hypoallergenic, recyclable and not tested on animals. 

It was all tested on me! 


My parents invented eyeMajic!


In 2001, Australian husband & wife team Rocky & Grace Mammone embarked on their mission to create the world’s easiest eyeshadow application.
A product that would become
eyeMajic™ Instant Eyeshadow.

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  • 來自專業科研團隊,超過10年研發經驗。

  • 在美國、澳大利亞、泰國、巴西獲得FDA認證,以及來自歐盟、英國、中國和日本的全面資質認證。

  • 2014年 榮獲 International Beauty Award for Creativity and Innovation 國際美容創意及革新大獎。

  • 榮登美國知名電視節目 OPRAH 及 Ellen DeGeneres。

  • 2018年 在倫敦 Olympia Beauty Show 進行產品啟動儀式。

  • 2019年 與泰國著名女演員/模特 Metinnee Kingpayome 合作創立 Metinnee's Secret 品牌。

  • 即使在 COVID-19 期間,在全球也有成千上萬的銷量!

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